The ISTOBAL Hidro Cyclone recycler is an innovative water treatment and recycling solution for washing the external surfaces of vehicles.
Feel the confidence of having a team of professionals who advise you and accompany you throughout the process.
HIDRO CYCLONE, the system treats 100% of incoming water, using recycled water in the early stages of rollover and tunnel washing cycles, reducing fresh water use in an automatic wash by up to 80%. By focusing on sustainability, this system represents a significant step towards protecting vital resources and boosting operational effciency in the industry
The equipment comprises a “plug & play” system, with treatment flow rates of 5 m3/h and 10 m3/h (up to 3 rollovers can be supplied with recycled water simultaneously).
ISTOBAL’s Hidro Cyclone Recycler comes with a wide range of add-ons that increase the quality of the treated water, extending the operating life of the washing equipment and the ultimate quality of the car wash.
Chemical dosing
Recycled water tank: 1100L, 2000L, 3000L
Hydrocarbon level sensor
Sludge level sensor
Submersible booster pump and 200L booster tank (old engineering works, physical recycling)
Submersible booster pump and 3000L aerial pretreatment tank (old engineering works without a pretreatment tank, a buried pumping well with a minimum volume of 1000L is required)