Can the water be reused for subsequent washes?

Of course. It is just as important to have water-saving car wash machines as it is to have systems that allow this water to be reused in subsequent washes.  You will find physical recyclers and biological recyclers that allow you to reuse water. The former use a filtration system to eliminate the particles from the water. At ISTOBAL we use zeolite, an extremely porous volcanic material that allows us to filter the water deeply at high speeds. This enables us to produce treated water that is suitable for use in the car wash process - with minimum space requirements.

Biological recyclers, on the other hand, are used to treat the water, as well as breaking down the organic and biological materials derived from detergents, wax, oil and hydrocarbons. By using adapted microorganisms (bacteria), we are able to reduce the amount of organic matter in the water that comes from the car wash. These innovative recycling systems allow you to recover up to 80% of the water in the system so that it can be used later in the first stage of the next car wash service.  In this way, you will recycle four out of every five litres of water, and you will only pour away a small amount into the sewerage system.